Animal Rights News AgencyFull-stack developmentNews portal with ~100k viewers/month, built with Next.JS and managed with WordPress through its native API
E-learning improvement course in EducommunicationUI design and front-end developmentLanding page for a non-profit organization built with Next.JS and managed with event management platform Even3 through its native API
Dr. Matheus Ferreira GomesUI design and full-stack developmentOne-page website for a medical doctor built with Next.JS and managed with Netlify CMS
ABPEducom Publications PortalBack-end developmentThis website promotes the gathering and dissemination of open-access academic digital books about Educommunication. It was implemented and customized with OMP/PKP, a PHP-based CMS
II International Congress on Communication and EducationUI design and full-stack developmentLanding page for a scientific event built with Site Origin Builder and WordPress
Also, the website where you are is open source, and its code is available on GitHub. It uses Next.JS.